Above painting: Louis Jean Francois - Mars and Venus an Allegory of Peace


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Thursday, September 3, 2015

This Week in History 8/31 - 9/6

Time for your weekly history lesson! 

What happened this week in history? Do you know?

August 31, 1422: Henry VI is named the King of England (he is only 9 months old)

September 1, 1715: After reigning 72 years—the longest of any major European monarch—King Louis XIV of France dies.

September 2, 44AD: Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt (known as Cleopatra) declares her son (fathered by Julius Caesar) co-ruler as Ptolemy XV Caesarion

September 3, 1189: Richard the Lionheart is crowned King of England in Westminster.

September 4, 1833: Remember newsies? The first paperboy, Irish-American, Barney Flaherty, 10 years old, was hired in NYC by the Sun.

September 5, 1550: William Cecil, who would go on to serve Queen Elizabeth I, is sworn in as Secretary of State under the young King Edward’s reign.

September 6, 1860: Jane Addams, of Cedarville, Illinois, was born on this day. She worked as a pacifist, social worker & feminist, going on to be awarded a Nobel in 1931.

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