Above painting: Louis Jean Francois - Mars and Venus an Allegory of Peace


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Thursday, August 20, 2015

August 17th thru August 23rd

What Happened This Week in History?

  • August 17, 1983-  Prince's song "Delirious" was released
  • August 18, 1227-  Genghis Khan dies
  • August 19, 1791-  Benjamin Banneker published his first Almanac
  • August 20, 1866-  President Andrew Johnson formally declared the American Civil War over
  • August 21, 1923-  Kalamazoo, Michigan passed an ordinance forbidding dancers from gazing into the eyes of their partners
  • August 22, 1938-  Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers appeared on the cover of "LIFE" magazine
  • August 23, 1305-  William Wallace is executed by the English

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