by Jennifer Jakes

Huh? - you say. Come again? (Pun intended.)

stimulation was applied by the doctor simply reaching under the woman’s skirt,
but by 1869 a steam-powered vibrator had been invented – no doubt after
numerous doctors complained of carpal tunnel! This vibrator’s motor had to be
housed in a separate room with the fun
part sticking through the wall. By 1889 an electrical vibrator was available –
beating out the electric iron and vacuum cleaner by a decade. For years
vibrators were used solely by physicians, but as technology improved and the
size of vibrators became smaller, they were advertised in such catalogs as
Sears and certainly in women’s magazines.

So the next time you hear someone talk about prim
and proper Victorians, you can say, “Oh, contraire!”
Be Careful What You Wish For. . .
No-nonsense stuntwoman Isabella Douglas will do anything to
stop an unwanted divorce and reclaim the happy life she had, even allow her old
friend to concoct a magical spell to turn back time. But when the spell goes
awry, Izzy finds herself trapped aboard a 1768 Caribbean pirate ship with a
captain who’s a dead ringer for her sexy as sin husband, Ian. Convinced he’s
playing a cruel joke, she’s furious – until she realizes he doesn’t know her or
believe they’re married.
Captain Ian Douglas does not have time to deal with an
insane woman who claims to be his wife; he has to save his kidnapped sister.
But as Izzy haunts his dreams and fills him with erotic memories he can’t
explain, he’s forced to admit he feels more than lust.
Trapped in a vicious cycle of past mirroring present, Izzy
knows they only have days to find Ian’s sister and prevent disaster from
striking a second time. If she doesn’t, their marriage will be destroyed again
– along with the man she loves.
Her fingers threaded in his
thick hair as she traced his mouth with the tip of her tongue. “Kiss me.”
He hesitated, then groaned
and covered her lips in a breath stealing kiss. Hot, wet, silky. Her nipples
hardened, ached for his touch, the tug of his fingers, the pull of his mouth.
“Touch me.” She pressed a
kiss to his throat, then licked his collarbone. “I need your hands on me.”
He grunted and slid his
hands down her back. Rough palms gripped her cheeks, grinding her against his
erection. His gaze burned through her as he moved his thigh between her legs.
“Yes. Please.” She tilted
her hips, rubbing, needing release more than air. “Oh, God, yes.” Desire roared
through her, the ache building. Building. The orgasm so . . .damned. . .close.
A sharp knock sounded at the
door. “Captain? The men are ready to go ashore.”
Ian pulled back and
swallowed hard, his expression hungry, his heart thumping against her breast.
“Yes. Yes, I’ll be right
there.” His heavy lidded gaze skimmed her body. Possessive. Aroused. Regretful
as he set her aside.
Her mind crawled to process
what was happening while her body was doused with disappointment. “You’re still
He raked through his hair,
then nodded. “We need provisions before sailing for Jamaica. I’ll only be a few
hours.” He stepped to the door, but turned and pinned her with a hard stare.
“But when I return . . .”
“Yes?” Her heart thumped in
anticipation of some explicit description of what he would do to her. Oh, but
his tongue was naughty in all the right ways.
“. . . I expect an
Izzy drooped against the
door, her thoughts racing even though her legs collapsed. This was going to be
the shortest second chance in history.
About the Author
trying several careers—everything from a beautician to a dump truck driver—Jennifer finally returned
to her first love, writing. Maybe it was all those Clint Eastwood movies she
watched growing up, but in her opinion there is no better read than a steamy
western historical.
to her very own hero, she lives on fifteen acres along with two beautiful
daughters, three spoiled cats, three hyper dogs and one fat rabbit.
the summer she does Civil War re-enacting and has found it a great research tool, not
to mention she has continued appreciation for her
microwave and hot water heater.
debut novel, RAFE’S REDEMPTION, was a RWA Golden Heart Finalist and Won BEST
Jennifer Jakes at www.jenniferjakes.com
Brilliant post! Love the notion of the "fun part" sticking through the wall - one can only imagine the contortions required to make use of it. ;)
Good heavens! *fetches the smelling salts*
Hi Marin-
I might have taken liberties with the word "fun". Not sure anything about the contraption looks fun! LOL
Thanks for stopping by. Good luck in the drawing:)
Hi Alexandria-
Yes, I can't imagine what the first Victorian lady who tried this "treatment" told her friends. How do politely recommend this to a friend??
Thanks for stopping by! Good luck in the drawing.
Totally fascinating post, Jennifer. Guess the Victorian's weren't so prim and proper after all!
Oh, I do declare! LOL Literally. The wonder is there wasn't a rash of hysteria going on, or a rush of men wanting to become doctors. Hysterical post, Jen.
And since I already have my copy of Twice In A Lifetime, don't include me. Thanks
Hi Angelique-
It's just crazy isn't it - what they could convince themselves was "normal" and acceptable???
Thanks so much for stopping by. Good luck in the drawing.
Hi Mac-
LOL - yeah, really!! Every young man wanted to grow up and attend medical school! LOL
Thanks for stopping by:)
reading is so dangerous. They things we learn, especially the things that cause tea to fly every which way.
Cannot wait to share this with friends. Reality is always weirder than fiction, especially in Victorian times.
Is this why everyone's mother wanted them to marry a Doctor?
I know! I about fell over when I found that photo of the big steam powered one. Of course I sat doing the head turned this way - then that way-then this way again, thinking...
Hmmm. I wonder if that's where that old "marry a doctor" did come from?? And here we all thought it was b/c of money! LOL
Thanks for dropping by. Good luck in the drawing:)
Hi Artemis-
Yes, I saw that advertised but I have no idea when it is supposed to come out.
Thanks for stopping by today! Good luck in the drawing:)
See? You can't make this stuff up! That's what I love about history. Thanks for a fascinating post.
Hi Vicky-
I know. It's proof of that old adage Truth is Stranger than Fiction.
Thanks so much for stopping by! Good luck in the drawing:)
My gosh, those contraptions look scary! I lol'd when I read that they preceded the electric vacuum cleaner and iron by a decade! Well, we ladies do have our priorities! Thanks for a very enlightening post!
Hi Nona-
LOL!! Oh, you are so right. Vacuum, smacuum, a lady's got to do what a lady's got to do! ;)
Thanks for stopping by. Good luck in the drawing.
Did you know there is a movie being released in May about this invention? It stars Hugh Dancy and Rupert Everett and looks hilarious. Here is the trailer.
Fantastic post! I'd heard most of this before, but the pictures...! The pictures are priceless. :) Thanks to you both!
Loved the pictures on this! I always chuckle when I read about something like this, because people seem to think we've got a monopoly on the "modern" stuff. Even the phrases we use are considered "modern"...until we see it in a place like the Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. :D Next time I write a historical, I'll have to incorporate this, if only to see how many people tell me they didn't have vibrators back then. LOL
Oh! I just had an idea for a Victorian romance...doctor and patient. Hehe. Thank ya kindly, m'dear.
Thank you all so much, Evangeline, Jami and Noelle. Good luck in the drawing;)
I read a book recently that was based on this very thing - doctor's "seeing" to the needs of women to treat "hysteria". Absurd!
Great post, Jenn, as always! Wishing you all the best!
Thanks so much for visiting with us Jennifer! A winner has been chosen: Jami Gold! Congrats!
Thank you so much, Eliza and Jennifer!
Not sure how to claim it though. :)
I'll go the "duh" route and post my email. LOL!
contact (at) jamigold (dot) com
Thanks again!!!
Wow!! I didn't know that about Victorian women. I could not imagine having to go to the doctor for a situation like that. I find it highly amusing though! The story sounds very interesting. Thanks.
And perhaps that's where the adage "An apple a day ..." comes from ;)
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