Above painting: Louis Jean Francois - Mars and Venus an Allegory of Peace


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Thursday, March 5, 2015

February 28th thru March 6th

What Happened this Week in History?
  • February 28, 1759- Pope Clement XIII allows Bible to be translated into various languages
  • March 1, 1941- Nashville, Tennessee becomes the home of the very first FM radio station in the country
  • March 2, 1867- US Congress created the Department of Education
  • March 3, 1923- Time magazine is published for the first time
  • March 4, 1950- Walt Disney's "Cinderella" was released across the United States
  • March 5, 1960- Elvis Presley was honorably discharged from the Army
  • March 6, 1899- Aspirin was patented by German researchers Felix Hoffman and Herman Dreser

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