Above painting: Louis Jean Francois - Mars and Venus an Allegory of Peace


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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Historical Fiction Book Giveaway!

Sourcebooks contacted me today to say they had an extra copy of Sins of the House of Borgia, by Sarah Bower, for one of History Undressed's lucky readers!!!

The book will be published next month, but you'll have a chance to have it in your hot little hands before then!

Book Info...

Violante isn’t supposed to be here, in one of the grandest courts of Renaissance Italy. She isn’t supposed to be a lady-in-waiting to the beautiful Lucrezia Borgia. But the same secretive politics that pushed Lucrezia’s father to the Vatican have landed Violante deep in a lavish landscape of passion and ambition.

Violante discovers a Lucrezia unknown to those who see only a scheming harlot, and all the whispers about her brother, Cesare Borgia, never revealed the soul of the man who dances close with Violante.

But those who enter the House of Borgia are never quite the same when they leave—if they leave at all. Violante’s place in history will test her heart and leave her the guardian of dangerous secrets she must carry to the grave.

Leave a comment with your email address!  I will draw the winner randomly tomorrow.



Renee Vincent said...

Oh, this book sounds fabulous! I love the blurb and the cover is beautiful! Thanks Eliza for letting us know about this book before it's available!

Rachel said...

I would love to read this-thank you for the giveaway!


Audra said...

Wow -- what a wonderful giveaway! I've always been fascinated by Lucrezia Borgia -- would love to read this book!

unabridgedchick at gmail.com

mjmuse said...

This book sounds intriguing! Thanks.

Clancy said...

Hmmm...sex, scandal, lush italian setting. I'm all in!

Crystal said...

Sounds like a great book!! PICK ME!!


Alexandriaweb said...

Oh this sounds like a great book :D


Anonymous said...

I love Italian Medieval/Renaissance settings. The locale is terribly untapped. And the Borgias are an interesting family, just as the Medicis are in my Italian medievals. This book will definitely go on my tbr list.

Your cover is beautiful!

Chicks of Characterization said...

Wow, this sounds like a great read! Showtime is doing a series on the Borgia family! Thanks so much for the giveaway!!


Unknown said...

I have wanted to get my hands on this one since I first saw it. Please enter me!


Diane M. Wylie said...

It sounds like you had to do quite a bit of research for this book, Eliza. I love that kind of historical!

Wishing you many sales.

Vicky Alvear Shecter said...

Count me in!

Ruth M. said...

ohhhh! I would love to have a chance to win this!

Thanks for the opportunity.

Ruth Molenaar

Debby Lee said...

Italy in the Renaissance, wow sounds hot! Please enter me in the contest.
Sincerely, Debby Lee

Linda said...

This looks fascinating! I learn something new every time I visit your blog (and my TBR mountain grows each time too LOL).

Thanks for offering the book; please enter me in the drawing--lynkaypr (at) tx.rr.com

Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR said...

Pick me, pick me! amberr610[at]gmail[dot]com

realhumangirl said...

Please pick me!! :)

Nancy Lee Badger said...

PLEASE PICK ME! I need to get out of my rut of reading Regency historicals. I need depth! Help!

Eliza Knight said...

According to the random organizer, the winner of Sins of the House of Borgia, by Sarah Bower is.... drum roll.... Chicks of Characterization! Thank you to everyone who entered! Since this was so popular, perhaps I'll try to do some more giveaways :)

Lynn Irwin Stewart said...

I'd love to win this one! Thanks for the opportunity!


Soft Fuzzy Sweater said...

"I stared at the cover of the book with first shock,then disbelief.

'An historical novel about the Borgia family? Who would even dare? Who would have the courage to tell the Borgia story with all their sins and desires'?

I felt my face suddenly grow hot. My lips become dry. Suddenly, the room became unbearably close. I needed air. I knew then what was hard to admit: I wanted that book.

I wanted to run my hands over the smooth cover and slowly spread open the pages..."

Please enter me before I actually start believing I can write!

windycindy said...

What an interesting time period!
Many thanks, Cindi