Above painting: Louis Jean Francois - Mars and Venus an Allegory of Peace


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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Upcoming Historical Workshops

Still time to sign up for Conducting Historical Research Online

When? August 1st - 24th
Instructor: Eliza Knight
Register: http://elizaknight.com/historicalresearch.aspx

There is a plethora of information available online for anybody who wants to look. As a writer of historical fiction, you will often find yourself needing this information. But how do you go about getting it?

This class will teach you the ins and outs of conducting research online. Do you need to find just one little nitty gritty detail or a vast amount of information that directly correlates to your plot? Do you need to know what street Carlton House was on? Or how many guns were on the HMS Impregnable? By the end of this class you should have a grasp on how to get this information.

I will also discuss how to mesh your research into your story so it flows and doesn’t feel “textbook.” Have you ever read a book, where it feels like the author is just regurgitating fact to you, instead of seamlessly mixing it into narrative or dialogue?

After each lesson there will be an assignment, and an opportunity for you to submit a short excerpt from your manuscript in which you’ve used historical fact, for critique.

A Noble's Life In Medieval Times
Dates: October 5, 2009 – October 30, 2009
Class: A Noble’s Life in Medieval Times
Instructor: Eliza Knight

Register: www.elizaknight.com/noblelife.aspx

Class Description:

Life in medieval times was so much different than the way we live today. When readers sit down with their favorite medieval historical romance, they are taken away to another time and place.

For most readers, this is where they learn about medieval times, and it is the duty of the author to be as authentic as possible. That being said, you don’t want your book to be a history lecture either, but to just flavor it enough.

This workshop will teach you how people, particularly nobles, lived in medieval times, in order for you to be truer to the era you write about. This is an open discussion workshop, questions and comments are welcome and encouraged. There are five lessons, each of which are broken down daily. This class provides photos, video links, research links, exercises and opportunities to share your work for critique. The lessons will be presented as follows:

Lesson One: The Medieval Castle
Lesson Two: Medieval Entertainments
Lesson Three: Day in the Life of a Medieval Lord and Lady
Lesson Four: Medieval Medicine
Lesson Five: Medieval Clothes


Wes said...

This is off topic, but how is the market for historical fiction?

Eliza Knight said...

No problem! Historical fiction/romance is actually doing well in specific sub-genres like Regency and Scottish. That's what was said at the recent RWA National Convention at least. Although other historical sub-genres if done right are also being contracted and sold. Those two specifically are what is hot right now.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I'm interested in the noble's life workshop. Never having done this before, Is it something I can access online and read or must I be present for a 'chat'? I am not a writer but it is of interest to me. Thanks, Angela

Eliza Knight said...

Hi Lady Hawthorne,

It is done through a yahoo loop. Lessons are posted over email and in a file section so you can download them. I also post pictures, links to websites and videos.

Participants can take their time and read the lessons at their leisure. At the end of each week are open discussion days for questions or comments, etc...

You don't have to be a writer to take the course :)

If you want to sign up you can visit my site: www.elizaknight.com or email me, writer@elizaknight.com
