Above painting: Louis Jean Francois - Mars and Venus an Allegory of Peace


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Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 7th thru March 13th

What Happened This Week In History?
  • March 7, 1857- Baseball decides 9 innings constitutes an official game
  • March 8, 1817- The New York Stock Exchange is founded
  • March 9, 1562- Kissing in public is banned in Naples and is punishable by death
  • March 10, 1964- The First Ford Mustang is manufactured
  • March 11, 1953- The First Woman Army doctor is commissioned
  • March 12, 1994- Church of England ordains the first 33 women priests
  • March 13, 1984- MTV premiered its weekly "Top 20 Video Countdown" show

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